Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Introducing second Mt Semeru climber - Yudho

Yudho's background: In office, Yudho is always perceived as someone who is quite technical in what he does. he does a lot of finance and accounting tasks in his client-facing role. He is like a designated financial instruments specialist to a lot of people, hence he is also viewed as a finance nerd. People would look for him on financial instruments issues like derivative instruments, forward, swap, options, valuations, etc. So please be patient and find out soon... how is Yudho, this high maintenance guy who likes to eat gourmet food, going to adapt himself to go for a simple meal and sleep in a tent during his hike! There will be more interesting stories coming up!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Introducing first Mt Semeru climber - Valentina

Valentina's background: She started Kechara Indonesia in year 2010 based on the advise of her lama His Eminence Tsem Tulku Rinpoche. Since then, she has been trying everything she could to develop the activities of Kechara Indonesia.

Valentina's motivation for doing charity work: Life is short, and she does not want to die with regret. She does not care much about nice clothes, jewelry or other fancy stuff. To her, these things are just items that helped her to tap into certain groups of people that have some projections about what kind of persons they want to mingle with. In short, she likes to live simply and happily without so much projections about how others should be or what others should think of her. Where she should be or what she should look like.